Art à la Carte is funded entirely by individual, foundation and corporate donations. We place a high value on our relationship with you, our donors and thank you for your commitment to us.

We believe that transparency and accountability are essential to our success. With this in mind we have joined Imagine Canada's Ethical Code Program and are proud to display their trustmark indicating adherence to a set standard of responsible financial management.

Please consider contributing in one of the following ways:




Art à la Carte
Box 72003
R.P.O. Glenmore Landing
Calgary, Alberta T2V 4N3





(403) 281-6131
If you prefer to make your donation off-line using either cash, cheque or Visa, please call us and someone will be pleased to assist you.




Click on this icon to make a tax-receiptable e-donation using CanadaHelps' secure online service.

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From an image of a yellow canola field that reminds the farmer of his home, to an image of an eagle that gives strength and power to the patient, Art à la Carte takes a hospital space and transforms it into a place of meaning and memories.
-Janice Rieger, Bedside Volunteer and Design Professor Mt. Royal University


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Charitable Organization Number 88905 2254 RR0001
Box 72003, R.P.O. Glenmore Landing, Calgary, Alberta T2V 5H9 Tel. (403) 281-6131