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The pictures serve as an emblem of the patient's personal life and allow me to get to know them, to bring out the human spirit and learn from the connection that we share ... The Art a la Carte program has solidified my desire to become a doctor whose work goes beyond the physical treatment of patients.
--Bijan Teja, McGill University Graduate and Medical Student



Advisory Board
Art à la Carte is a registered Alberta Society and charitable organization that is governed by a volunteer Advisory Board.

John Amonson, President, Amonson Wealth Management Inc., Calgary, Alberta

Ryan Ardron, Certified Financial Planner, M3 Financial Group Inc., Calgary, Alberta

Debbie Baylin, Educator, Founder and President, Art à la Carte, Calgary, Alberta

Marilyn Bouchard, Manager, Apheresis and Rare Blood Disorders, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta

Cynthia Cools-Lartigue, French Immersion Educator, Calgary, Alberta

Ann Corbett, Canadian Representative, DeFeet International, Treasurer, Art à la Carte, Calgary, Alberta

R. Gordon Cormie, Attorney, Scott Hall LLP, Corporate Records Secretary, Art à la Carte, Calgary, Alberta

Pam Crosby, President, Capacity Consulting, Calgary, Alberta

Brenda Fisk, Website Coordinator, Medicine Hat Police Service, Calgary, Alberta

Mike French, Vice President/Portfolio Manager, RBC Investments, Calgary, Alberta

Alan Hobson, Mt. Everest Climber, Summiteer, Cancer Survivor and Motivational Speaker, Canmore, Alberta

Andy Lockhart, Vice President/Portfolio Manager, RBC Investments, Calgary, Alberta

David Meyer, Senior Rabbi and Community Leader, Temple Emanu-El, Marblehead, Massachusetts

Michael Small, Current Vice President at ExpandTheRoom, a New York City-based creative agency, Playwright and Editor, New York, New York

Ruth Trueman, Nurse and Community Leader, Volunteer Coordinator, Art à la Carte





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Charitable Organization Number 88905 2254 RR0001
Box 72003, R.P.O. Glenmore Landing, Calgary, Alberta T2V 5H9 Tel. (403) 281-6131